Viva España :: Jessica Hudson
It's rare in our society to encounter a person whose heart for adventure pulls her beyond words. But when you catch a glimpse of the like, watch closely because her very life proves that dreams aren't just for wrinkled journal pages.
Meet Jessica Hudson, the woman whose life, piece by piece, is becoming a moving film that is bringing those ink-stained, wrinkled pages to life.
Before she left for Spain in February, she collected images that were used to create a tattoo design. With one glance at her tattoo, two things become obvious. The love she has for exploring the vast cultural experiences around the world compels her every decision. Her resourcefulness to create a way for these encounters is contagious. So contagious that you would be foolish not to hop in that dilapidated hot air balloon to travel with her. In that hot air balloon, I can guarantee one thing: the journey you have with her would be far beyond anything you leave behind.
The week Jessica left for Spain, I asked her an intentional question. I wanted to capture the essence of this journey. A journey that had only been dreamt about in her wrinkled journal pages. Her response was simple yet imbued with passion.
What does "Viva España" mean to you?
Spain lives. But to me, it's more than that. It's about the Spanish culture and living, being fully immersed in the community. Coming alive and believing that I have something to carry with me, but also letting go of everything to experience life in a new way. It's like here I go, I'm chasing after my dreams--and this is the first step.
For now, her time in Spain has ended. It is safe to say no one (not even herself) knows where she will go next. But just as that needle hit her skin, driving ink deep into her forearm, the phrase "Spain Lives" has been marked on her heart. It's the mark of courage that began her journey. A journey that is both complex and simple. A journey to leave all you have but take all you are.
As she has left Spain, I have learned one thing from Jessica: "Spain Still Lives." In Morocco, she is encountering a completely foreign language, culture and people. But I am confident her passion for this adventure will continue to point back to three things: the permanent ink in her forearm, the wrinkled journal pages, and the phrase etched on her heart: Viva España.
Give her Spanish soundtrack a listen.
Read some of her wrinkled journal pages.
Take a sip.
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